Golden Eagles - gliding through the water

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to remind you that tomorrow (Friday Jan 13) is the last morning practice!!! Yeah I can hear all the hallaluahs now!!! Next week we will have practice from 3:45 to 4:30 pm. Unless you are for sure going to state (and we have told you) then your practice is from 3:00 to 4:30 pm.

I want everyone to practice tomorrow, NO EXCUSES. And also everyone needs to be to EVERY practice next week. This is a very important week right before Region Championships. You need to be to practice. Jojo and I are getting together this wekkend to plan the meet so if you havent told us what you want to swim or change your mind, you better tell us now because once we sit down and spend HOURS ( :) )planning this meet, there is no changing! Any questions you know how to get ahold of us, and if you dont by now, too bad!

Lets make this the best week of practice so far!

Jeanna and Jojo