Golden Eagles - gliding through the water

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Team dinner and First Meet

Tonight is our team dinner!! It is at 6 pm at the Davis's Grandparent's house in Springville. If you didn't get the address at workout this morning get in touch with me. Usually our team dinners are the night before the meet, but the Sadies dance is Friday, so they decided to have it tonight. Everyone should come because it's fun!!!!!

On Saturday meet at the high school at 7:15 am. Make sure you bring lots of food!! This meet will go until 5 or 6 at night and you need to make sure you bring a lunch and healthy snacks! The meet starts at 9:30 am if parents want to come and support our team! Also, I'm sure they will need timers to run the meet so come and volunteer.

Thanks and see you tonight!
